Becky’s Sewing Studio

Our story

Hi I'm Becky,

I love to sew, have a major fabric addiction and love to create things.

I have always enjoyed making things but my love of sewing really started when I began my teaching career. I was a primary school teacher and found it a great way to relax and a stress reliever from the pressures of the day job.

I started my first sewing business when I was on maternity leave with my two boys, I enjoyed being able to get my creative fix and find myself again, after becoming a mum!

Fast forward a few years and I created Becky’s Sewing Studio & Becky Lane Designs as a way to teach people a new skill through workshops and sewing & craft kits. I soon realised that as well as sewing I love all things crafty (painting, jewellery making, embroidery to name a few) so wanted to create a place where I can share my passion and you can find fun & colourful crafty tools, accessories, gifts and FABRICS.